Filtered water and a quality water bottle isn’t enough.
We’ve been educated about the many benefits of having a reusable drink bottle, and by carrying filtered and mineralised water, you would naturally think your water is safe.
But, what if you filled up your water bottle to head out for the day, later tipping it to sip the clean, life giving water, and reflexively spitting it out in a hurry when you felt something solid in your liquid?
Horrified ? we were too.
It was mould. Floating mould formations. 2 of them.
Quick mental check to recall that one of the two stainless steel bottles we have that are identical, had been MIA for a few weeks. Sometimes they are left in the car, a bag that someone takes out, or tucked in beside a bed.
No clear images of the mould clumps -sorry – as they were turfed out of the bottle at lightning speed on identification. But, we do have a couple of images of the inside of the bottle, and the interior of the cap.
Mould spores can develop within 24 – 48 hours, depending on conditions, and can colonise rapidly, or slowly form over a couple of weeks.
Mould requires oxygen, organic matter, moisture and warmth. So leaving a partially full water bottle in a car provides ideal conditions for growth. Often mould isn’t identified until it’s developed and a problem. Whollygrail has a series on mould in our library that’s worth checking out.
What’s your bottle cleaning routine?
Here’s ours, hot off the press:
Treat your bottle like a food container 🙂
Empty remaining water from your bottle and turn upside down to drain and dry.
Every two days, pour a splash of cleaning vinegar into the bottom of your empty water bottle (say 2-4cm depth from base, and 3/4 fill with boiling water from the kettle) Place the lid on securely and shake well to remove any possible residue. Best results achieved with a bottle brush.
Empty the bottle rinse with water and turn upside down to drain and dry completely before storage or refill.